5 Easy Ways To Close Sales And Win In Life

Iliyan Germanov
6 min readMar 8, 2019

Maybe you are asking yourself what sales and winning in life have in common?

Probably you are telling yourself “I’m not a sales person and I would never be!

But I’ll tell you something that may sound controversial.

You are selling and closing every single day without even noticing it…

You are closing your wife to stay with you,

you are selling the idea of eating healthy to your kids,

if you are single you are even selling yourself.

You are selling your skills for a salary,

and you are selling your presence to your friends.

Let’s take Tinder and dating for an example.

Your Positioning decides whether you’ll get a match.

Your Copywriting & Communication skills determines whether you’ll get them on the phone.

Your Closing & Sales skills — whether you get a date or no.

And based on how good are you at closing — whether you get an action on that date.

I can talk much about why closing is much more than selling…

But let’s get straight to the point.

1. Qualify, qualify, qualify

Now let’s pretend that you are on the phone with a prospect calling you.

For the sake of simplicity you’ll be selling an apartment.

Before even moving to closing you’ll want to qualify your prospect.

Determine whether the prospect has:

  • a need for your product
  • money to buy your product
  • the authority to take the buying decision

I’ll get into more details about how to qualify in a separate article.

For now just keep in mind to ask simple questions such as:

“Are you looking for a new apartment to move in?” (need)

“What do you do for living?” (qualify money)

“So you are looking for a place where your family can live?” (decision)

Maybe his wife has the final word :D

Important! If you spot that your prospect has no need, money

or decision power to buy your product immediately disqualify and move on.

There is no point in wasting his and especially yours time.

2. The Power Of Questions

Once your prospect is qualified the fun part just begins.

It’s your turn to show off your Closing skills.

What most people do is that they start bombarding the prospect

with features and benefits of their product.

For example let’s have 2 buyers for the apartment.

Buyer 1: Iliyan, 21 years old student who wants to focus on his education/work

Buyer 2: Nino, 42 years old programmer who wanna party and have fun

Average sales-person, sees 21yo student:

“Iliyan, that is a great apartment for you, there are many young people in the area! You can make a lot of parties and there are also night clubs nearby!”

The same sales-person when talking to Nino:

“Nino, the neighborhood is really quiet and calm! There are many parking spots. You’ll love it!”

Sounds rationale?

In both cases these bold assumptions will result in an instant turn off for the buyers.

Write this down:

“You are not your prospect”

But what can you do in situations like that?

Simply ask.


Buyer 1: Iliyan’s Situation

You: “So Mr. Prospect, what are you looking for in an apartment?”

Iliyan: “I want a place where I can work, study and park my car easily.”

You: “Ohh, that’s great. The neighborhood is quiet and there are many parking spots. What else your ideal apartment should have?”

Buyer 2: Nino’s Situation

You: “So, Mr. Prospect, what are you looking for in an apartment?”

Nino: “I want to be in an area that has night life also I’d like to meet new people there.”

You: “Cool! There are many night clubs nearby and the neighborhood is full of young people. What else are you looking for?”


You see the difference?

Redirect, always redirect…

When you say something it means something.

When the Prospect says something. It means everything!

3. The Art of Redirect

But I can’t always answer the question with question.

Can’t be that simple. Are you kidding me?

Yes you can and I’ll give 3 words that have so much power…

They are the equivalent to The Atom bomb in Closing.

The 3 Magic Words:

“I Don’t Know”


Yeah simple as that. I’ll show you!


  1. You are Expensive!

Prospect: “Why your price is so expensive?”

You: “I don’t know, Sir. Why do you think people are paying us that much?”

P: “Probably, you are good??”

Y: “Maybe. What exactly are you looking for?”

2. Why should I buy?

Prospect: “Why should I buy your product?”

You: “I don’t know. Why did you call us at first place? What kind of problems do you expect our product to solve for you?”

3. Why are you asking so many questions?

P: “Why are you asking me so many questions..”

Y: “I don’t know, Sir. I’m trying to understand your needs. What are you looking for?”

Keep in mind that your tonality is the key here.

Be sincere and don’t sound like interrogating your prospect!

4. Hit The Pain Points

Closing is all about understanding your prospect’s problems better than him.

With that in mind it’s just asking the right questions at the right time.

After asking all the questions we know our prospect’s needs, desires and pains.

It’s time to walk the final step for them.

If the prospect is on the edge of buying just ask him about his problems.

Let’s put this into practice.

ROLE-PLAY: The Car Insurance pt1: Selling a car insurance policy over the phone

Prospect (P): “I like your product but I’ll have to think about it first.”

You(Y): “Hey you know what, Mr. Prospect, before we get off the phone tell me exactly how you gonna guarantee your safety while driving?”

P: “Hmm. I hope nothing bad will happen.”

Y: “Me too, Mr. Prospect. But what if someone accidentally hits your new car. How would you feel?”

P: “Ohh I’d feel awful. I just bought my car…”

Y: “I understand you. Let’s pretend that your new car is seriously damaged. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone can fix it for you? Is it worth the risk not having an insurance?”

P: “Mmmm… I think no.”

Y: “So where should we go from here?”

P: “Let’s discuss it on a meeting.”


5. Get A Commitment

“Let’s discuss it on a meeting.”

“Let’s schedule another call.”

“Send me a proposal”

We all have heard that and we all know what usually happens.

The client doesn’t show up and never ever get back to us.


“Prospects LIE”.

What do prospects do?


Correct, so here’s what you gonna do.

When you are in this situation get commitment from the prospect.

It’s not that hard! Here’s an example.

ROLE-PLAY: The Car Insurrance pt.2

P: “Let’s discuss it on a meeting.”

Y: “So, Mr. Prospect, let me ask you a question. What’s gonna happen on that meeting?”

P: “We gonna discuss the details of the policy and the agreement.”

Y: “Good. What do you expect to see there?”

P: “To check whether the legal pages are okay and there aren’t any hidden terms.”

Y: “So from what I am hearing from you is that what you are saying is that if we meet together, the legal pages are okay, there aren’t any hidden terms and you like the policy. You are ready to sign up, correct? And the price wouldn’t be an issue?”

P: “Yeahh. That’s right.”

Y: “Okay. I look forward talking with you.”


Pretty much these are the very basics of Closing.

Let’s Recap:

  1. Qualify need, money, decision
  2. Don’t pitch, ask.
  3. Redirect: “I don’t know”
  4. Find prospect’s pains. Talk about them
  5. Get A Commitment & Close The Sale

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Iliyan Germanov
Iliyan Germanov

Written by Iliyan Germanov

Software Engineer: Android | Functional Programming - Kotlin & Haskell. Excited by innovation and science.

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